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Potato halwa / Aloo ka halwa

I am very excited today that I am posting my 600th post in this blog. So thought of sharing a sweet dish to celebrate this occasion. Potato halwa is an easiest and quickest halwa I have ever made. I had tasted this yummy halwa in one of my friend’s place and liked it very much. I was waiting to try this for a long time and finally it happened. 

Potat halwa


Serve 3 to 4

      • 3 medium - Potato / urulai kizhangu / aloo
      • 1 to 1 1/4 cup - Sugar
      • 1/4 cup - Ghee
      • 1/4 tsp - Cardamom powder
      • 2 tbsp - Cashew nuts chopped
      • 2 pinches - Orange food color

Potat halwa

Preparation method:

  1. Wash and pressure cook potatoes in enough water for 1 to 2 whistles or until well cooked. Allow them to cool completely.
  2. Once cooled, remove the skin and mash it slightly. Transfer this to a blender and blend it to fine paste by adding little water, keep it aside.
  3. Heat a tbsp of ghee in a hard bottomed pan, add pureed potato and give a nice stir for 1 to 2 minutes. Then add required sugar and mix well, allow them to cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Now add orange food color, cardamom powder and 1 tbsp of ghee. Keep stirring continuously adding ghee in intervals to avoid drying.
  5. Add chopped cashew nuts to the halwa and mix well. After 10 to15 minutes, you will see the halwa becomes glossy, comes together and it no longer sticks to the bottom. This indicates that halwa is done (as shown in the picture). Potato halwa is ready.

Potato halwa


  • If you prefer you may transfer potato halwa to a greased plate and after 15 to 20 mins cut in to desired shape.
  • Keep all the ingredients ready before you start making halwa. Because you cannot move here and there while stirring.
  • Always keep flame in medium heat.
  • You should be very careful and stir it continuously otherwise the halwa get burnt and spoil your dish
  • Add ghee as much you can because ghee makes the halwa more rich.
  • Since i did not have 3 medium sized potatoes at home, i have used 2 medium sized potatoes and 2 small sized potatoes for making this halwa.
  • You can adjust the quantity of sugar according to your taste. For me 1 cup of sugar was little less.

Potat halwa

Potato halwa / Aloo ka halwa Potato halwa / Aloo ka halwa Reviewed by Krishna on 7:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Congrats! love the texture! nice way to mark the milestone

  2. Congrats on your 600th post. Potato halwa looks delicious.

  3. Congrats on your 600th post. Keep going... And what to say about your halwa.... Wow.. Wow... Wow... Looks awesome...

  4. Congrats on your 600 th post shanthi.By the way potato halwa looks delicious

  5. Congrats Shanthi on your 600th post! Potato halwa and celebration- I would luv to join you, that halwa lookssuper glossy and makes me drool!


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