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Ellu urundai / Sweet ellu seedai

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Today is a special day to me. Guess what? Yes, I have completed one year of my blogging. My blog baby is entering into 2nd year. A BIG THANKS to all my friends, well wishers and fellow bloggers for their continuous support, feedback and valuable comments. I got so many friends through this blogging world and the last one year has gone so quick. I enjoyed writing and capturing pictures for this blog everyday.

To mark this occasion I thought of posting a recipe for Ellu Urundai (deep fried sesame balls) which needs good amount of effort and time. Thanks to my mom, my aunty and my neighbour Parvathy amma for making this snack. This snack is normally prepared during Chithirai festival at my native place. This time it was specially prepared for me during my vacation in India. Here comes the recipe for ellu urundai.

Ellu urundai

Anniversary wishes

Ingredients: Recipe for making 4 kgs of ellu urundai

      • 8 cups – Raw rice
      • 1 kg – Karuppatti / palm jaggery / panai vellam
      • 2 cups – Roasted bengal gram / pottukadalai ( grind to powder)
      • 2 cups – Black or white sesame seeds
      • 1 whole – Coconut ( grate it)
      • Oil for deep frying

Ellu urundai

Preparation method:

  1. Soak rice for 1 hour and drain water completely. Spread them in a cotton cloth( as shown in the picture) and let them dry for 10 to 15 mins (do not over dry). Grind them to a coarse powder in a flour mill (alternatively you can use mixer grinder to do so), set aside.

    Rice flour process
  2. Break palm jaggery into small pieces and transfer them to a big vessel. Pour one glass of water and cook until palm jaggery completely dissolve. No need of any specific consistency. 

    Palm sugar process
  3. Take a big mixing bowl, add grated coconut, roasted bengal gram powder(pottukadalai), rice flour, sesame seeds and palm jaggery syrup, mix everything well. Make gooseberry size balls out of the dough and set aside.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan, deep fry the balls, once you see cracks on the balls remove them from fire. Continue the same process with the rest of the balls. Tasty ellu urundai is ready.

    Ellu urundai process


  • You can also grind rice in a mixer grinder but you have to sieve it.
  • My mom always use black sesame seeds for ellu urundai. She used to sun dry and remove the skin using “ Ulakkai and ural” (mortar like equipment). Then she completely wash it and finally add it to the flour.
    Sesame seeds process
  • You can store ellu urundai in an air tight container to keep it for long.

Ellu urundai

Ellu urundai / Sweet ellu seedai Ellu urundai / Sweet ellu seedai Reviewed by Krishna on 7:24 PM Rating: 5


  1. Wow !! Love this ever and ur clicks as well...

  2. Happy blog anniversary, Shanthi..
    A traditional dessert to celebrate the occasion.. And it can be enjoyed guilt free..

  3. very very authentic and tasty ellu urundai.... must be delicious with lots of effort.....happy blog anniversary Santhi....

  4. I have never tried this way. Looks like seedai... Will try soon.

  5. மிக்க நன்றி.

  6. Congrats and happy anniversary....Happy to follow u shanthi....keep rocking.....

  7. Ellu seedai looks yum! Thanks for sharing the authentic recipe! Nice to see the pictures of ural-ulakkai! :)

    Happy anniversary n wish you many more happy years in blogging!

  8. Happy birthday to ur blogbaby, love this ellu urundai very much.. Wat an authentic snacks,love to munch some.

  9. Congratulations on completing a year of blogging and wish you many more years of blogging. This dish is very new to me and does require some work.. the result is fab, its such an authentic recipe!

  10. Congratulations Shanthi! This exactly resembles my grandma's recipe for Ellu urundai. In Chennai Ellu Urundai refers to a different version.Are you from South Tamil Nadu?

  11. Such a traditional recipe, so nicely done..
