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Watermelon lime popsicle

Quite simple and easy popsicle prepared with watermelon and lime juice, quench your thirst during summer. Check my other popsicle recipes in my blog:

Watermelon lime popsicle


Serves 4

      • 1/2 no / 3 cups (chopped) – Watermelon with or without seeds
      • 1 tbsp – Lime juice
      • Sugar to taste (optional)

Watermelon lime popsicle

Preparation method:

  1. Chop watermelon into small cubes and transfer them to a wide mixing bowl. Using potato masher, mash the watermelons like puree.
  2. Squeeze some lime juice and required sugar, mix well and strain the juice.
  3. You can use any popsicle mold of your choice. Pour watermelon juice and close the popsicles mold with lid or cover with aluminum foil and insert a ice cream stick in each mould, freeze it for 4 to 5 hours or overnight in the freezer part of the refrigerator.
  4. When it is done, take it out and carefully show the outer surface under tap of hot running water for 30 seconds before pull out the popsicles. Serve it immediately.

Watermelon lime popsicle

Watermelon lime popsicle


  • I used small variety of watermelon in this recipe.
  • You may use blender to blend watermelon to a puree.
  • Sugar is completely optional. Since my watermelon was very sweet, I did not use any sugar in this recipe.
  • Make sure to wipe up any spills on the mold or tray before you put the tray into the freezer.
  • When your popsicles are completely frozen, you will be able to pull on the stick easily. If the stick comes out by itself, your popsicle is not completely frozen. If the stick stays fast, your popsicle is frozen (ready to eat).

Watermelon lime popsicle

Watermelon lime popsicle Watermelon lime popsicle Reviewed by Krishna on 4:51 PM Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. These are looking so pretty and everyone know the taste of watermelon, I am so lucky to read this article, I will definitely try this recipe thanks you very much..

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