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Eggless chocolate cupcake with chocolate cream frosting

Yet another milestone is reached today. I did enter in to this blogging world the same day 3 years ago. Yes, 7aum Suvai is celebrating its 3rd birthday today. I got new friends and learned lot of new recipes during this journey. I thank all my readers and blogger friends for their constructive feedback. I hope you all encourage me as you are doing today with rest of my endeavours. I am posting eggless chocolate cupcakes with chocolate cream frosting for this special occasion. I did try this cup cake during our recent holiday party and it was a super hit among kids.

Chocolate cupcake


Yields around 15 to 20 cupcakes

      • 1 1/4 cups – All purpose flour
      • 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp - Cocoa powder
      • 1 cup – Milk
      • 1 cup – Sugar
      • 1/2 cup – Melted butter
      • 1 tsp – Baking powder
      • 1/2 tsp – Baking soda
      • 1 tsp - Vanilla extract
      • 1 tbsp – Vinegar
      • Few pinches of salt

For chocolate frosting:

      • 1/2 cup – Butter (room temperature)
      • 2 cups - Icing Sugar
      • 2 tbsp - Cocoa Powder
      • 3 to 4 tbsp – Milk (add as needed)
      • 1 tsp – Vanilla essence
      • Sprinkles for decorating (optional)

Chocolate cupcake

Preparation method:

Making of cupcake:

  1. Take a mixing bowl, add all dry ingredients like all purpose flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and sieve together once.
  2. In another bowl, add milk and vinegar, mix well and allow it to sit for about 5 minutes. Then add in sugar, melted butter and vanilla essence, mix well with a beater until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Now slowly incorporate dry ingredients into wet ingredients, mix well with a beater until well mixed about 3 to 4 minutes.
  4. Pre heat the oven to 180 C/350 F. Meanwhile take cupcake tray and place cupcake liners in it if using one. Fill cups with 3/4 full of batter and continue the same process with the rest of the batter.
  5. Bake it for 25-30mins (even more) or until well cooked. You can check it by inserting tooth pick, it should come out clean. For me it took 30 mins to cook. Allow cupcake to cool at least 10 minutes before removing them. Eggless chocolate cupcakes are ready.

Chocolate cupcake process

Chocolate cupcake

Making of chocolate cream frosting:

  1. Take a mixing bowl, add butter and sieved cocoa powder, beat with beater until well mixed. Add the icing sugar little by little and slowly incorporate it into the butter.
  2. Finally add milk and vanilla extract, continuously beat for 5-7minutes or until it reaches creamy consistency. More you beat more smoother the chocolate cream. Chocolate cream frosting is ready.
  3. Now decorate cupcakes with chocolate cream frosting in the design you wish and sprinkles on top.

Chocolate cream frosting process


  • Baking time differs depending on the oven you are using. Mine took 30 mins to cook completely.
  • You can replace melted butter with olive oil or any other oil.
  • Once batter is ready, do not keep the batter outside for long time. Immediately place it in the oven for baking.
  • If you want to make chocolate cream frosting little thin then you can add more milk while beating.
  • You can increase or decrease sugar as per your taste.
  • Do not over bake cupcakes otherwise it will become stiff and you lose its flavor.
  • If you think the batter is too thick then add 1 or 2 tbsp of water and mix it well.

Chocolate cupcake

Eggless chocolate cupcake with chocolate cream frosting Eggless chocolate cupcake with chocolate cream frosting Reviewed by Krishna on 7:57 PM Rating: 5


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